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Project Details

Project Reference : PS223005
Project Title : Glocalisation of the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in Clinical Practice: Worldwide Experience Sharing
Grantee : Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Limited
Major Beneficiary
Health-related services
Grant Approved : HK$446,000
Project Deliverables :
  1. One pre-conference consultation visit to local rehabilitation services centres in Hong Kong
  2. One pre-conference workshop on “ICF-based rehabilitation model and strategy”
  3. One conference on “Glocalisation of the WHO’s ICF in Clinical Practice: Worldwide Experience Sharing”
  4. Two post-conference workshops on “ICF implementation tools”
  5. One final report on the project outcomes
Project Duration : 8 Months
Commencement Date : 15/05/2023
Completion Date : 14/01/2024